Thursday, March 31, 2011

There is a special place reserved for Governor Scott of Florida

from ThinkProgress:

Today, Rick Scott Will Lay Out Cuts For Developmentally Disabled And Then Attend A Special Olympics Photo-Op
Today, Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) will announce deep cuts to programs that help the developmentally disabled in his state. Scott will invoke his “emergency powers” to impose a 15 percent cut to the rates charged by group home workers and case workers that help the 30,000 Floridians with cerebral palsy, autism, and Down Syndrome.

Those who provide services to the developmentally disabled are already decrying the cuts. “This would be a catastrophe,” one advocate told the Miami Herald. “The system can’t take this. Eventually, we will have to cut jobs and reduce services.”

Scott says the cuts are necessary to address a $170 million deficit in the Agency for Persons with Disabilities — but at the same time, he is also proposing $1.5 billion in corporate tax cuts and $1.4 billion more in property tax cuts.

Even more galling, today — the same day his cuts are announced — Scott is scheduled to appear at a Special Olympics Torch Run with his wife and other state officials. The run is designed to promote the upcoming Special Olympics in Florida, and raise money for developmentally disabled athletes along the way:

Some people.......should just burn in hell.

In "They Are Who We Thought They Were" News, GOP Congressman says he's STRUGGLING on salary of 174k

You know, certain things just write themselves.


GOP Rep: I'm 'Struggling' On My $174K Salary (VIDEO)
At a town hall meeting in Polk County, Wisconsin earlier this year, Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) was asked whether he'd vote to cut his $174,000 annual salary. Duffy sort of hedged, and went on to talk about how $174,000 really isn't that much for his family of seven to live on. Then he went on to say he supports cutting compensation for all public employees, along the lines of what Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) has proposed for the Badger State.

The whole thing was caught on tape, and it was posted to the Polk County GOP's blog, along with several other clips from the town hall. Then just that clip where Duffy talks about his salary was taken down and removed from the internet by the county party because, an official said, the YouTube clip "was being republished without our consent."

Here's the clip, obtained by TPM:

Awe, poor baby. He's barely scraping by on 174k a year. He and his brood of SIX have GOVERNMENT FUNDED HEALTHCARE, and he has a home, and someone's supposed to have sympathy for this clown? Nobody told him to have 6 can't afford them, don't have them...isn't that what they always tell poor folk?

He's paying off student loans....he's probably voted to cut education, so that other folks won't even have the choice to GET a student loan, or he's probably one of those who wants to turn BACK the student loan business BACK to the banks, something the President has stopped.

They continue to be who we thought they were. They could care less and continue to vote time and time again against anything that would help the working man or woman, and he's making almost 4x the average in his district and thinks someone's supposed to actually have sympathy for him.

The GOP is Planning to Shut Down the Government

There's been a lot of ink written on the probable GOP shutdown, but I like this from BooMan Tribune the best:

The Crazy People Will Shut the Guvmint
by BooMan
Tue Mar 29th, 2011 at 10:02:08 AM EST

I've said this once before, but I think it is worth reiterating. I can't imagine that most people can look at the landscape of turmoil in the Arab world and an ongoing nuclear and humanitarian crisis in Japan, and have much patience for another demonstration that our government here at home cannot function at the most basic level. Any government shutdown, for any reason, is going to really anger our citizens. And, obviously, the more petty the reasoning looks the worse it is going to be. Sen. Chuck Schumer is leading the messaging war for the Democrats and it comes down to labeling the Tea Party (freshman Republican class) as a bunch of extremists who Speaker Boehner is afraid to confront.

The message has the advantage of being true, for whatever that is worth these days. Brian Beutler reports that the House Republicans are making two rigid and unreasonable demands. The first is that the HR1 bill serve as the basis for any budget bill. The second is that all the cost savings in the budget come from non-defense discretionary funding. Ezra Klein expresses some puzzlement at the latter requirement:

Funny. I thought this debate had always been about the deficit, or at least cutting spending. Guess not. Rather, the Republican position appears to be: “How do we preserve current tax rates and most current spending while getting Democrats to accept deep cuts to the small fraction of the budget called non-defense discretionary spending?” It's a weird position, but it looks to be what we’re dealing with.

Given this bargaining position, both Beutler and Klein agree that a government shutdown on April 8th is almost inevitable. Jonathan Chait has a good explanation for why the Republicans are being so inflexible. A new study of conservatives discovers that Tea Party-identifying conservatives think the president is destroying the country (71%) while non-Tea Party-identifying conservatives do not (6%). It's really just a scientific way of documenting what Steven Thrasher said last September:

About 12:01 on the afternoon of January 20, 2009, the white American mind began to unravel.

It had been a pretty good run up to that point. The brains of white folks had been humming along cogently for near on 400 years on this continent, with little sign that any serious trouble was brewing. White people, after all, had managed to invent a spiffy new form of self-government so that all white men (and, eventually, women) could have a say in how white people were taxed and governed. White minds had also nearly universally occupied just about every branch of that government and, for more than two centuries, had kept sole possession of the leadership of its executive branch (whose parsonage, after all, is called the White House).

But when that streak was broken—and, for the first time, a non-white president accepted the oath of office—white America rapidly began to lose its grip.

Go to the link to read the rest of it, but I think it's on point. I don't want the Guvmint to shut down, but I'm ready for it, because these folks need to be exposed for exactly who they are. Period.

Where Do They Get These Kneegrows?

from Religious Right Watch:

Tea Party Leader: African Americans Can’t Be Christian And Support Obama

Ron Miller is the president of the Tea Party group Regular Folks United, and a former Republican candidate for Congress and the Maryland state senate. Miller, who is a black former staffer with the Bush Administration, adamantly defends Tea Party activists from charges of racism, blaming Obama for his “open display of condescension toward ordinary Americans.” But while Miller deplores charges of racism against members of the Tea Party, he claims that African Americans only support Obama because he is black. He told the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow that anyone who backs Obama cannot be Christian, and black Obama voters “place their blackness ahead of Christ”

Sometimes, you come across these fools, and just have to show them for what they are.

African-Americans only support Obama because he is Black.

Barack Obama got 95% of the Black Vote.

Every Democratic Presidential Candidate from Jimmy Carter on has gotten upper 80th percentile to 90+% of the Black vote.

Yet, they were all WHITE candidates.

So, does Barack Obama getting 95% of the Black vote have to do with him being Black, or him being the Democratic Candidate for President?

So, BIG FAIL on that idiot point.

Now, let's get to "place their blackness ahead of Christ”

What does CHRIST have to do
a) Blackness
b) How I vote

You know, this type of Black person gets on my last nerve. Going before White folk, shinning and grinning. He doesn't have the nerve to go down to Mount Olive Missionary Baptist and tell those parishoners this garbage he's telling those White folk. He wouldn't dare take himself before a bunch of Black folk and utter this garbage to their faces. He doesn't have the nerve.

The Social Poets: Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup

Stephen Colbert arrives at Al Faw Palace at Ca...Image by DVIDSHUB via Flickr

The Social Poets: Libya War: Funny Late Nite Jokes Roundup: "Check out what the comedians lampoon about The Peace President, Obama, going into Libya. Boy, I tell ya, a guy tries to help out some desperate people in a foreign country from getting slaughtered and all he gets is flak from the Republicans and comedians.

Of course, like so many sticky political situations, it's all about The Ego. The mostly male media ratchets up The Ego Meter by declaring Prez Obama is a wimp if he doesn't succeed at deposing Gadafi now that he's declared, 'Gadafi must go!' So, suddenly out come The Big Guns: the CIA operatives magicly appear in Libya 'advising' the rebel forces. Read that as, 'These guys are so clueless the only way to keep them alive is knock some sense into them and show them how to win.'"

Miles Mathia

make sure you watch the second half with the freeride drops. pretty amazing.

via prolly

#CHEAP Kink BMX 2011 20-Inch Gap XL Bike (Cobalt Blue)KinkK440BLU

Kink BMX 2011 20-Inch Gap XL Bike (Cobalt Blue)

Kink BMX 2011 20-Inch Gap XL Bike (Cobalt Blue)

CHEAP,Discount,Buy,Sale,Bestsellers,Good,For,REVIEW, Kink BMX 2011 20-Inch Gap XL Bike (Cobalt Blue)KinkK440BLU,Wholesale,Promotions,Shopping,Shipping,Kink BMX 2011 20-Inch Gap XL Bike (Cobalt Blue)KinkK440BLU,BestSelling,Off,Savings,Gifts,Cool,Hot,Top,Sellers,Overview,Specifications,Feature,on sale,Kink BMX 2011 20-Inch Gap XL Bike (Cobalt Blue)KinkK440BLU Kink BMX 2011 20-Inch Gap XL Bike (Cobalt Blue)KinkK440BLU

Kink BMX 2011 20-Inch Gap XL Bike (Cobalt Blue) Overview

Bmx Freestyle Bike

Kink BMX 2011 20-Inch Gap XL Bike (Cobalt Blue) Feature

  • Sturdy 21-inch BMX bike with Chromoly Steerer fork
  • 8-inch uptown bars and 2 steel pegs
  • U-brakes with linear cables; Singal Slim seat
  • 3-piece Chromoly cranks; alloy platform pedals
  • Weighs 26 pounds 9 ounces; lifetime warranty against defects

Kink BMX 2011 20-Inch Gap XL Bike (Cobalt Blue) Specifications

Equipped with a sturdy 21-inch frame, 8-inch uptown bars, two steel pegs, and alloy platform pedals, the Kink Gap XL bike is an ideal choice for serious BMX riders. Other features include a Chromoly Steerer tube fork, U-brakes with linear cables, three-piece Chromoly cranks, and a Singal Slim seat.


  • Frame specs: 21-inch top tube, 13.75-inch chain stay, Chromoly HT, TT, and DT
  • Forks: Chromoly Steerer tube
  • Bars: Kink 8-inch uptown bars
  • Grips: Kink Alpha
  • Stem: Alloy front load
  • Headset: Sealed integrated
  • Brakes: 990 U-brakes with linear cables
  • Cranks: 175mm 3-piece Chromoly with sealed mid BB
  • Pedals: Alloy platform
  • Chain: KMC Z410
  • Sprocket: Kink Decimal 25t
  • Hubs: 10mm (front), 14mm cassette with 9t driver (rear)
  • Rims: Alienation PBR (front and rear)
  • Seat: Kink Singal Slim
  • Post: Straight with guts
  • Tires: Kenda Kontact 2.25 inches (front), Kontact 1.95 inches (rear)
  • Pegs: 2 steel pegs (black)
  • Weight: 26 pounds 9 ounces

Manufacturer's Warranty
Lifetime warranty against material and workmanship defects; 1 year warranty against brakes, cracks, and defective or malfunctioning parts

Donald Trump Oprah Makeover Possibilities Threaten Presidential Candidacy (Photos)

Does he or doesn't he... only his hairdresser knows for sure...

... want to run for President, that is.

In a pre-election year longing to crown a Republican front-runner, the 2012 campaign is off to a tepid start. Some 2008 also-rans have already stuck toes in the water waiting to see how many fish will take the bait. Judging from the lack of thrashing and hysterical chomping, I'd say it's time to buy better worms.

What better bait than accusing the incumbent President of lying about his birth certificate and of failing to credit Bill Ayers with writing "Dreams of My Father"? The new challenger enters from left field. Talk about starting a feeding frenzy, the media is lapping it up. It seems like every day he comes out swinging, using fighting words to ratchet up the ante.

China is kicking our patooties. Obama is a fraud. Our Constitution is being attacked from within. Blah, blah, blah, stop blaming Bush.

Who has the cajones to so blatantly bait the media?

None other than The Donald, as in Donald Trump, as in Stirring-Up-The-Pot-For-Free-Publicity-Is-Only-An-Outrageous-Sound-Bite-Away Trump. The wheeling-dealing, self-promoting, self-indulgent multi-bazillionaire is, supposedly, seriously considering a run for the presidency. He and his syncophants probably figure if Ronald Reagan could successfully make the transition from Hollywood to Washington so can The Donald. They may be forgetting that Reagan successfully governed the State of California before entering the national arena. Running a real estate empire and firing C-List celebrities on TV are certainly impressive, but not equivalent to running America. This is where the big kids play.

Is Trump ready for national service? Or would his tendency to create controversy taint the civility of the Oval Office?

At least one person thinks Trump could use a makeover, particularly when it comes to his "double combover." President Obama supporter and Queen of Talk Oprah Winfrey has offered to restyle The Donald's tresses on her farewell show. No word on whether his camp will accept, but with the entire free world watching Oprah wave a tearful goodbye, how could they refuse? It would be either the publicity coupe of the century or a political boondoggle. No matter. As the saying goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity.

In Trump's case, however, his hair could be the exception. Just imagine the possibilities:

Justin Hartley Trump

Nicolas Cage Trump

Michael Bolton Trump

David Beckham Cornrows Trump

David Beckham Fauxhawk Trump

Jude Law Trump

Anderson Cooper Trump

GI Joe Trump

Bad Catskills Combover and Dye Job Trump

Ridiculously High Forehead Trump

Look, I know these artistic renderings are horrible. That's because they weren't shopped. You try matching Trump's complexion to a man with attractive hair. It's darn near impossible.

I sure hope Oprah has an easier time transforming Trump into presidential material.

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Tom Shirts Are Done

the batch of Toms is done. if you ordered one I sent you an email yesterday.

very happy with how they turned out. thanks for being patient.

Shakira Get Banned at Santiago Bernabeu

Shakira, the Colombian pop diva, is now banned from Santiago Bernabeu Stadium. Ok, not the person actually, but only her song. So it means, we won't be hearing Shakira's song in a home games at Santiago Bernabeu anymore.

There are no reason mentioned regarding the 'weird' decision, however, we can jump into conclusion, that it has something to do with Barcelona's player Pique relationship with Shakira. Of course, it's just an assumption, but what could be the real reason ??

The thing is, Shakira onced admitted that she is a big fan of Real Madrid, and Florentino Perez even gave her a number 5 of Madrid shirts on his early year as a club president. that how much they hate Barcelona ??



Victoria Beckham Gets Clueless in Naming Her Future Daughter

Victoria Becham probably won't be naming her two pet dogs, Twiggy and Coco, if she knew that someday she'll be having a daughter. The last 2 names have been claimed as her favorite name for her future baby girl years ago.

"For years, Victoria wants to name her daughter Coco. The name was taken from the famous French fashion designer, Coco Chanel,"said a close friend.

However, after 2 sons, she finally gave up and instead used the name for her dogs.

Later, Vic also mentioned that she likes the name "Luna", and wanted to use it for her third child. Again, with her third son, she had to forget about the name.

Unfortunately, "Luna" is now taken by Frank Lampard and former fiancee, Elen Rivas daughter's name. Her other name choice of Megan and Matilda also taken by her close friend. And now she's out of choices. Any suggestion ?

MMI Sunday

Sunday was a day of recovery, we headed to the polo tourney to watch and play croquet in the park. I didn't know it beforehand but holy christ is croquet a spectacular way to drink away a Sunday afternoon.


Wayne came bounding up the stairs after a shower and upon entering the room I stopped him dead in his tracks and asked why was he wearing his girlfriends pants "did you forget yours upstairs?" When he told us they were his, Joshy and I lost our shit.
did somebody say sassy?

Bike pile at Corazon

Thanks Milwaukee



The pants I declared dead back in November are back in action thanks to Jenna who patched them up real nice for me. I had pretty much written them off but at the bar on Sunday I was given my pants back which is awesome.

and Mark hooked this up

thank you both.

Orlando, FL is going to get rad this weekend

Vans is putting on a camp tomorrow (Friday) in Orlando, Florida followed by an Amateur Contest on Saturday, HERE

Haro is a proud co-sponsor and they're giving away a bike!

Its always a good time so come out! See you there!!!

There is also one planned in a few weeks in So Cal and Cory "Nasty" Nastazio will be there! I will post that flyer soon... Colin Mackay

12 Year Old Physics Wonder Kid -- NOT!!!

As a scientist (specifically a Physicist), nothing bugs me quite so much as Pseudoscience. In many ways, it is literally the bane of society's existence and one of the reasons people find it so hard to understand real science. So, imagine my horror when I found the viral video of this "wonder kid" who is supposedly going to take on Einstein and change the world's understanding of Relativity. Yeah, right. Give me a break. Watch the video and scroll down for my comments as to why this brat doesn't know what he is talking about.

A few points.

1. There is no "forwards", "backwards", and "sideways" in the universe. Think about it: you're sitting out in the middle of a vacuum, no stars around you. Which way is up? Which way is down? Thus, when the little brat says "light doesn't accelerate forwards or backwards but exactly to the side", it is a statement that doesn't have any meaning. Light DOESN'T accelerate. As far as all experimental evidence I have ever seen has said, photons are created instantaneously traveling at c. If light accelerated, physicist would be able to (routinely) measure light in a vacuum at speeds far below c. This doesn't happen, at least as far as I am aware. If someone has a paper showing this, please send me the citation.

*Btw, just to clarify, light can travel slower inside of a non-vacuum, say in water. The photons of the light still travel at c, but they are being continuously absorbed and recreated by the electrons in the medium, making the effective propagation velocity of the light less than c.

2. Tachyons and massive photons have never been shown to exist, ever, at least that I am aware. If this kid has evidence of their existence, he needs to publish in a journal and claim his Nobel Prize. So, when the brat mumbles something towards the end of the clip about "Tachyons and massive photons exist . . .", he is just talking out of his ass.

3. I am not sure where this kid is getting a figure of a speed of light existing, perhaps in another universe," that is "0.9 faster than the speed of light in our universe", or whatever he said. This is a figure that, in my opinion, the kid has once again pulled from his ass. Why not 0.8? 0.7? 0.4? 3.141925? times faster/slower than our universe? Why did you choose 0.9, other than you were trying to look smart for the cameras?

If this kid wants to show off for his mom's ignorant friends at dinner parties, fine. Let him. But,please, don't stick this idiot on Youtube. It's bad for the legitimate scientists of the world.
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Yamaha rider, Ben Spies

Yamaha rider, Ben Spies, claim to learn a lot about racing techniques Valentino Rossi after the defeat in the race for sixth MotoGP Qatar, last week.

Knicks Kandaskan Magic Through OT

New York Knicks proved unyielding spirit chasing play-off tickets to frustrate the Orlando Magic, March 28, 2011 local time. With Carmelo Anthony led, Knicks won 113-106 over half extra time (over time).

Magic continues to suppress the host through the action center Dwight Howard who appear charming. Howard scored 29 points and 18 rebounds. However, the star was actually Anthony who scored the highest score since joining the Knicks. Packing Anthony 39 points, 10 rebounds, two assists and a steal.

Valentino Rossi in Action

1987 world champion Wayne Gardner stated that as world champion Valentino Rossi in 2009 have made a big mistake. Rossi, says Gardner, gambling with his decision to ride a desk for long operation to overcome a shoulder injury.

Last year, Rossi was hit by accident while training motocross. Although considered a mild injury, the injury suffered a long time to recovery. The Doctor-nickname-Rossi then gamble by delaying shoulder surgery because it would have made ​​him miss the last series of the 2010 season at Valencia, Spain.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

#CHEAP Eastern Bikes Alloy Axle NutsEastern Bikes41-200-66

Eastern Bikes Alloy Axle Nuts

Eastern Bikes Alloy Axle Nuts

CHEAP,Discount,Buy,Sale,Bestsellers,Good,For,REVIEW, Eastern Bikes Alloy Axle NutsEastern Bikes41-200-66,Wholesale,Promotions,Shopping,Shipping,Eastern Bikes Alloy Axle NutsEastern Bikes41-200-66,BestSelling,Off,Savings,Gifts,Cool,Hot,Top,Sellers,Overview,Specifications,Feature,on sale,Eastern Bikes Alloy Axle NutsEastern Bikes41-200-66 Eastern Bikes Alloy Axle NutsEastern Bikes41-200-66

Eastern Bikes Alloy Axle Nuts Overview

Add some color to your bike and save weight at the same time

Eastern Bikes Alloy Axle Nuts Feature

  • CNCed from 7075 alloy
  • 14mm or 3/8 for standard applications
  • Available in a variety of colors
  • .5oz
  • sold individually

Remember this Face - Leomie Anderson

If you've been watching Channel 4 hit show 'The Model Agency' you will be aware of up and coming New Face, Leomie Anderson, the stunning British 17-year-old who has caught the attention of major fashion designers and photographers around the world. She is set to become a big star in the modelling industry - one of the first major British black supermodels after Naomi Campbell so do not forget this face.

Leomie has walked for high fashion shows in New York, Milan, London and Paris, been shot by some of the most prestigious names - all at such a tender age and the best thing about her is that she remains the exact same down-to-earth teenage girl from South London she has always been. Scouted at 14 while walking the streets with her friends, Leomie's life has taken a dramatic turn for the best.

Although, she has gained quick success, Leomie is dedicated to continuing her college studies around work, hopefully aiming to complete her A-Levels which Fl@unt admires. An intelligent girl will certainly go far in the next generation of the new modelling age.

Video of the Week: 'Beautiful People' - Chris Brown

There is no stopping Chris Brown on his F.A.M.E. promotion trail. He releases a second official music video from the album  in the space of a month for his forthcoming single 'Beautiful People'. Matching the electro sounds of 'Yeah 3x', this song takes it up a notch, entering super trance status - a far turn from Chris' past urban sounds but Fl@unt is definitely a fan. A sure fire 2011 summer hit.

Chris Brown Heads to Number One

Congratulations to Chris Brown who has reached Number 1 with is new album F.A.M.E. on the Billboard Top 200 Chart - the album has become the second fastest selling album in debut week sales of 2011 so Chris has alot to smile about right now!

::MixTape:: Natural Brown - The Change Up

The Incredible Creations own Nappy Brown releases her latest project, The Change Up! This joint is not to be slept on! DOWNLOAD NOW!!!! #GOODMUSIC #TheChangeUp

Download: Natural Brown - The Change Up