Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Classic NEOGEO Gamepad From SNK - - Compatible With Your Modern PlayStation3

The PS3 controller feels like a well-polished piece of gaming equipement. After all, the basic design has remained mostly untouched since the original PlayStation was released back in 1994. However, despite it being a good fit for most games, SNK doesn’t think it quite stacks up against their old NEOGEO gamepad, at least not when playing games that originated on their console. Thus, they decided to release their own custom USB controller, which is PS3-compatible.

The resulting controller appears to have stayed as true to the original design as possible. The only real changes are the two triggers, an extra pair of buttons beyond the old A,B,C and D, as well as a PlayStation button. The best part is that being USB, you should be able to hook it up to your PC for some classic emulated gaming. Unfortunately you’ll need to have one of these imported from Japan, as there doesn’t appear to be any plans for a US release just yet.