From Denny: Finally, President Obama announces sanctions on Libya again. This Libyan dictator spent decades in sanctions limbo only to get thrown back into sanctions prison yet again. This guy should have been overthrown a long time ago.
Obama says he is freezing Libyan nationals' financial assets and there are economic sanctions to be put in place as well. He has not said what the specifics are to be exactly, as yet undetermined pending review of what will work best. Read that as he and his staff don't know and will be running around asking all the so-called experts what to do.
So far Obama has phoned key allies like UK Prime Minister Cameron, Prime Minister of Turkey, skirt-chasing Italy's Berlusconi and the United Nations Secretary General. Obama does not want to institute a no-fly zone but does not say why. The American embassy in Libya has been shuttered and closed down. Well, yeah, the country is in the process of becoming a failed state quickly.
One thing Obama did get right was to "hold his powder" as my Grand Dad used to say. Obama refused to satisfy the critics who demanded he come out and start screaming at and denouncing Gadhafi when the protests began. Well, there was the little matter of many hundreds of embassy and oil industry personnel still present in this chaotic country and we had to get them out safely. Today, a plane took off from the capitol city of Tripoli with Americans glad to leave that nightmare. Others arrived after 60 hours trapped on a ferry. But at least they are out now.
Currently, there is civil war going on in the country with Gadhafi murdering the once peaceful protesters. Law and order has gone out the window since Gadhafi began killing people. Now, protesters have taken up arms and have started taking over whole cities. This protest makes the Egypt Revolution look like Disneyland sweet.
Of course, everyone around the world keep stressing about how much the price of oil will go up. For one thing, what a sham. If world leaders are so weak as to allow Big Business to up the price of oil to $10 to $15 a gallon just in America then they will implode all the world economies. How stupid can you get? Here in America we sit on federal oil reserves stored in Louisiana. Oil prices are determined years ago to what they are to be today so why all of a sudden go up but for one reason: excessive profit?
America does not get all its oil from this area of the Middle East, a small percentage. As it is, America is sitting on the largest oil deposit in the world of light sweet crude, the easiest to process: the Gulf of Mexico. The same Gulf of Mexico, that BP polluted with their inept management of the oil rigs, people and the oil deposit. There is enough oil there to last America for well over a century.
The problem is that America allows Wall Street to control our resources to the point Americans don't get but a small benefit from our own oil reserves. Well, it's about time that this President get off his lazy ass and started taking care of the average American person instead of Big Business and Wall Street cheats.

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