Friday, March 4, 2011

Book Review : The Locket by Stacey Jay

The Locket

On her seventeenth birthday, Katie discovers a locket and decides to wear it for good luck. But when her boyfriend Isaac finds out she cheated on him— with their mutual best friend Mitch, no less—he dumps her, leaving her devastated.

And then a miracle happens. The locket burns on Katie's chest and she feels herself going back two weeks in time, to the night she cheated with Mitch. At first, Kate is delighted to be a better girlfriend to Isaac this time around. But as other aspects of her life become inexplicably altered, she realizes that changing the past may have had a dangerous effect on her present.

Can she make things right before the locket destroys everything—and everyone—she loves?

I wasn't supposed to read this book until 9th March, the day my exam ends. But I couldn't resist it and took a peek... and ended up finishing the whole book in 2 days. Which explains why I'm writing this review now. I want to share the good news - I really like it!

At first, the locket sounded like a great gift from God - it enabled Katie to travel back in time and fix the mistake she made two weeks ago, that was cheating on her boyfriend Isaac by kissing her best friend Mitch. And I bet you know what happened when Isaac found this out: he dumped her. Seriously wanting their relationship to work again, Katie was brought back in time by a supernatural power, but found that the little difference in the alternate world can eventually lead to many serious disasters. The pretty magical locket suddenly turned into something more evil and twisted.

I like how the author layered this novel with twists and turns. The story was interesting, but sometimes I felt like slapping some sense into Katie - she knew she was in love with Mitch but denied it all the way, letting poor Mitch drown in his misery of an unreturned love. But there were times when both of them felt a mutual attraction that surpassed the "best friends" relationship.

"... They're so perfect."

Mitch smiled and looked back at the bride and groom. "They are. I'd like to be like that someday."

"Yeah?" I asked, not realizing Mitch had his arms around my shoulders until I instinctively leaned into his warmth and felt the soft scratch of his wool coat against my cheek.

--- page 175

I really don't understand why would Katie pick Isaac over Mitch. Isaac, though nice and caring, cared his basketball more than his girlfriend. He was constantly busy and didn't have time to accompany Katie. On the other hand, Mitch, however busy he was, would spend time with Katie, even though he knew he didn't stand a chance with Katie, who believed that her first and only true love was Isaac, with whom she dreamed of having a family with. (Hey there, Katie, Mitch is so much better, OK!)

The minor characters in this story played an important role in this story. We have Rachel Pruitt, an obnoxious, rich, sickeningly-sweet and gorgeous queen bee who totally has a black stone as her heart, Sarah Needles, a gutsy girl who is Katie's (only) best girl-friend, Theo, an actual academic whiz who failed to be as clever in the alternate world, and a few other lesser characters. These people made Katie re-think about everything - her time-travel, her happy ending with Isaac, her more-than-friend feelings for Mitch, the truth and lies etc.

While the locket seemed to be an evil object to cause many disastrous, painful events, it did taught Katie a lesson, that is to follow her heart and overcome her fear of falling, or rather, failing in the eyes of others. As a conclusion, the locket contributed to Katie's inner growth and played a part in helping her to discover her true self. I would recommend this book to those who enjoy a twist in perfection and happy endings!

Rating: 4.000
Stacey Jay

Stacey Jay is a workaholic with three pen names, four kids, and a sick sense of humor. She loves creepies, crawlies, blood, guts, and gore, and of course, romance. What would a zombie novel--or any novel--be without kisses that make your toes tingle?

Stacey has been a full time writer since 2005 and can't think of anything she'd rather be doing. Her former careers include theatre performer, professional dancer, poorly paid C-movie actress, bartender, and waiter.