Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valentine's Day: ‘Keep It Classy’ With Luxurious Chanel Condoms

I came across an interesting news worth of sharing here before sharing another beautiful idea on this Valentine’s Day. According to the news the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) warned the Department of Health to stop handing free condoms on Valentine’s Day, as it is a major cause of promoting premarital sex especially in the teenagers.

Now let’s come to the actual stuff want to share; this Valentine’s Day, make sure you up the gamble with these Chanel Condoms. I’m sure that loving like this only comes once in a blue moon, so why not enjoy it on the love birds’ day which happens to be the most romantic day of the year.

Enticing you to ‘Keep It Classy,’ these Chanel Condoms certainly make you pay for it. Priced at $279 for a pack of twelve, they better come lined in gold or with a commemorative key chain. Or may be you can just stick with the your ordinary brand, if you can't afford it; but don't forget to express your love on this very special day.