Saturday, April 22, 2006

SoCal Woodie Club Gathering

The Southern California Woodie Club hosted their annual event at Doheny State Beach, Dana Point, CA today. Despite being cold and overcast, there were over 150 examples of these classic beach wagons. All photos taken with a Pentax *ist-DS2 and the FA50mm f/1.4 lens. All photos shot at f/4.0 in RAW mode, and processed with SilkyPix 2.0. Images are full-frame (no cropping).

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The printer should be free

Years ago, when I processed photos in the solitude of a darkroom, I always thought it was sheer magic seeing my prints slowly appear in the developer tray. Today, I still get charged when a digital print starts to crawl out of my Epson printers. However, with the price we pay for ink, they ought to give the printer away. Or, maybe Epson needs to start a "frequent printer program" that rewards you with a free tank for every 10 you buy? Nevermind, what was I thinking!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


I'm leaving for Tokyo on Friday. Here's my likely view from the hotel I always stay at in Ikebukuro. This photo was taken with the 10-17 fisheye lens on my last trip. This trip I decided to take the new compact Optio A10 camera. I'm hoping to have a few hours one morning to take photos around my hotel.

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Packing for Italy

Jeansie leaves with her 84 year old dad for Italy in two days. He has not been there since WWII and he wants to see the country again while he can. Traveling light is a necessity these days and one can only take the essentials...passport, guidebook, Italian phrasebook, Pentax A10.

Photo: *ist DS2; 16-45mm

Penn and Teller: Patriot Act