Regular readers of The Spewker know its main focus is politics and celebrities. Bashing those who choose to lead life in the public eye is one of my favoritie pastimes. Throw in a dusting for the media and my day is complete.
Thanks HollyScoop for creating a video that allows me to shpling one big loogger at all three. For starters, your host, Bridget Daley, needs a better hair stylist. That "too much combed over straight" look bit the dust in the 80's. Her side part makes her face look pretty fat, if that is even possible. This woman looks so unsightly, it actually distracted me from paying attention to the video. So much for Internet journalism.
Secondly, just because Brad Pitt says fellow actor and friend, George Clooney, has his vote for President, doesn't mean Gorgeous George should throw his hat in the ring. What a dumb segment! Could the line between politicians and celebrities become any more murky? Everytime I turn around, it's politicians becoming more like rock stars and celebrities thinking they can run the world. Honestly, sometimes I think I am living in a Twilight Zone episode in overdrive. Is there another way out?
Ummm, people, in case you've forgotten, we Americans have about twelve more weeks before Election 2008 really heats up. Any one of the declared presidential candidates could become the nominee for their respective parties. I beg to differ that "She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" is the de facto Democratic candidate in the general election. Are we Democrats going to let the media decide which candidate we choose to run for our highest political office?
Sure, after eight years of Dubya, I can understand why hardly anyone wants a Republican back in the White House. But people in this country don't seem too fond of old "Billary" either. Her top fundraising status is not a deciding factor for me and shouldn't be for anyone else. We should support the candidate with the best resume, not the one with the most polished media image. There are other amazingly good candidates in the race who the media ignores. More about this in a later article.
America's apparent dissatisfaction with the front runners doesn't mean we should toot Mr. Clooney as a write-in. He may be very well meaning and know the location of Darfur, but presidential material he isn't. Even my 12 year old knows the difference between an actual politician and a celebrity who plays one on TV. Why doesn't HollyScoop?