"As instantly infectious as it is hard to pin down." -- Entertainment Weekly
"Weird, playful, unclassifiable, sexy, brilliantly addictive. " -- Rolling Stone
"Kala is such a resolutely strange, sweltering album that it's thrilling to be alive in an era when such a thing can lay claim to the mantle of "pop." -- The Onion
"M.I.A. has given us one of the albums of the year. Bravo. " -- PopMatters
There, those said it better than I ever could have. All I know is this is some hot sh*t! Both of these albums are sooo good. Load these and go ride!
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The Last 5 Music Posts on BMX Factor:
Fugazi - 13 songs
Holy Fuck - LP
Cool Kids - Totally Flossed Out EP
Too Short - Get Off the Stage
Styles P - Super Gangster
Note - This is not my upload. I just forward the links that I find so if they go inactive please do not ask me for a re-up. thank you