Will the real Barrack
Obama please stand up? And this time perhaps show our flag and our national anthem some respect by paying attention, covering your heart with your hand, and perhaps even singing the song? I mean, you are running as the candidate for President of the United States, right? This man has done more flip-flopping in his effort to get elected as the first black American President than his predecessor as the Democratic nominee, John Kerry, did four years ago. You remember Kerry, who famously "voted against the war before I voted for it." Remember all the controversy when
Obama refused to wear the iconic American flag pin on the lapel of his suits? The one he claimed was only a "
substitute for real patriotism"? The pin is now worn at all times by the candidate. The new claim would appear to be "if a pin can get me elected, whatever its meaning, pin it on me."
Obama spent decades attending the Trinity United church under the spiritual guidance of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. When Wright let loose earlier this year with an anti-American diatribe,
Obama immediately defended him, saying that
Obama "could no more repudiate his church than his family." So much for that. Wright was tossed under the bus of political expediency, and Barrack left the church.
Obama has flip-flopped on trade and the world economy as well, going from a position of vocally denouncing NAFTA to one of strongly supporting free-trade. Now come Barrack
Obama's new television commercials, where he
extols the "values straight from the Kansas heartland" as taught to him by his suddenly sainted grandma. Wasn't this the same woman who
Obama denounced for a racist reaction when she was accosted by a black man on a bus?
Obama is doing what politicians do best, and what Democratic politicians do better than any others. He is pandering to what he thinks people want to hear, especially those people who are legitimately undecided in their Presidential preference. If he is talking in front of a group of the military, he will
extol their virtues and express his strong support. If in front of a liberal anti-war group, he will talk out of the other side of his mouth. If in front of law enforcement, he will back strong police actions in fighting crime. In front of the ACLU and their buddies, he will talk about police misconduct and abuse. You support the 2
nd amendment, he is with you. For handgun control, he's your man. He challenged union contributions to the Edwards and Clinton campaigns as 'special interest' money, and now gleefully accepts those same sources of funding to his own campaign with open arms. In 2004 he stated that it was time to end the embargo with Cuba, but in 2007 he told a group of Cuban-Americans that he would not end the embargo as it was an "
important inducement for change."
Obama spoke and wrote against the troop surge in Iraq, saying that it wouldn't stop the violence. Now that it has proven an unequivocal success, he says that everyone knew it would work. The man has a 16-month troop withdrawal plan for when he enters office one day, the next he talks about having to stay in Iraq for as long as needed. It all just depends on who he is talking to, and on what the current political climate 'feels' like to him and his team of
advisers. It is back to the
Clintonista style of campaigning and governing by polling data. Barrack
Obama has more faces than a
Swiss watch factory, and he has completely misjudged what most Americans want, especially voting Americans. Especially in these difficult times, what we want is a politician who we feel will speak the truth to us. Someone who doesn't feel the need to massage us with what will make us feel good, but instead will tell us how it is and let us in on the discussion to make things better. A vote for Barrack
Obama in the fall is a vote for a return to the Clinton days of deception and denial, and of putting off or glossing over problems rather than actually fixing them. Give me John McCain's straight, no-nonsense, tough-love truth any day over this
Obama hypocrisy and position-juggling. The
Dems have once again given us a hypocrite as their nominee, this time we can perhaps call him the