Saturday, May 2, 2009

Taking A Break

While I have always written this blog for myself as a form of self-expression and as a way to hone some writing skills, I do know that I have some regular followers. I hear from you folks from time to time in person, in email, and sometimes via comments here or in other outlets. So for anyone who does peak-in and follow my original articles and thoughts here, this notice is for you. I am taking a needed break from my own writing here for a few months due to another project that will be taking up my time. But this website will not be going dark or irrelevant. There will be important, interesting, and in fact even more well-written and researched material that will be presented here. I will still be doing a lot of reading, and when I come across something that is particulary strong it will be shared here, beginning with the next item titled "Tolerance is Becoming Intolerance" by Floyd and Mary Beth Brown. I will put out more information later in the year on the project that is taking up my time, so stay tuned for that. Enjoy the new contributions over the next few months, and you can still find me regularly on Facebook and contact me via email.