Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Haiti: 2 Weeks Later Incredibly More Survivors Rescued

From Denny: Just when you think you have to give up hope of pulling anyone alive from the rubble of Haiti's earthquake more than 10 days later, someone is found alive. It is always astounding what a human being can tolerate to survive. Usually, rescuers call off rescues because most people cannot survive more than 10 days without water.

In one case of a young man found, it turns out that as the 5 story building he was in collapsed, luck would have it that he fell on the side of a first level grocery store. He was able to scramble and crawl around inside the rubble to retrieve soda, beer and other small found foods. He said there were many others like himself still alive in his same area.

Longest waiting survivor, a 16 year old girl:

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A man rescued:

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This is the follow-up story on Jeannette the bank worker who was rescued last week. Remember her? She was interviewed while she was still entombed in the concrete as the rescuers began the three hour ordeal of cutting her free from the heavy stones. As they pulled her free, and lay her on a stretcher to take her to the hospital with only minor injuries, she started singing loudly and praising God for her rescue.

It was her husband who doggedly kept digging for her, listening for her voice under the rubble, unwillingly to let her die. This is a rare story for the media to do, they actually took the time to see how she was doing after the rescue and it's all good news:

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