Monday, April 26, 2010

Scumbag Walmart Lawsuit Caught, Scumbag Goldman Sachs Email Guilty, Scumbag GOP Denies Scumbag Reform - News Headlines 26 Apr 2010

From Denny: Walmart has been successful at avoiding the inevitable for nine years. Now they are whining at getting caught for their deceiving lying ways - all the while claiming to be the pillar of the Christian community. Hyena hypocrite is more like it.

I quit purchasing from them years ago when I found out they were refusing to hire full time employees AND coaching them to get on state welfare in order to avoid paying for health insurance.

"Scumbags" is the kindest name I can think of for this company as it sucks the life out of the working poor, most notably desperate single mothers and women in general. Maybe we will get lucky and this lawsuit will finally break their monopoly in so many communities where they have run small businesses into bankruptcy and ruin.

Appeals Court Rules Walmart Sex Discrimination Case Can Go to Trial: (ABC) Walmart Fears Suit Could Cost The Chain Billions

A class action lawsuit representing more than 1 million women got the green light to proceed today against Walmart Stores Inc.

giant chain store discriminates against female employes, could cost it billions of dollars if it is upheld. The reputation of an iconic company is also on the line.

It is the largest class action suit in American history, and Walmart indicated today it may take the fight to the Supreme Court.

The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled that the case against one of the country's largest private employers could go to trial, nine years after the suit was originally filed in 2001.

The suit, filed on behalf of six women who worked in 13 of Walmart's stores, alleges that the women employed by the company face systemic sexism -- that they're paid less than men in comparable positions, receive fewer promotions and wait longer for promotions -- according to the court documents released today...

Speaking of scumbags, these guys over on Wall Street take the prize for the cardinal sin of greed bringing personal moral decay and corruption...

Senate Panel Says Goldman Sachs 'Misled the Country,' Helped Create Housing Bubble: (ABC) Sen. Carl Levin: Goldman Sachs Helped Inject 'Toxins' Into Financial System

Wall Street powerhouse Goldman Sachs helped create a housing bubble by selling securities backed by risky subprime mortgage loans and then profited off that bubble's bursting by secretly betting against the market, a Senate investigation has found.

A day before a high-profile hearing featuring numerous Goldman Sachs officials, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released a flurry of excerpts from internal bank documents that the panel says show that the embattled firm misled the American public about its role in the build-up to the financial crisis in September 2008.

"The evidence shows that Goldman Sachs helped build and operate that conveyor belt that fed toxic mortgages and mortgage securities into the financial system and then made large bets against the market that it helped create -- taking the big short, and reaping the profits from it," the panel's chairman Sen. Carl Levin said at a briefing today...

Like this was any surprise from the Republicans who are the puppet politicians of the lobbyists... And Obama keeps trying to work with these people: "Why?" It's amazing how the Republicans speak out of both sides of their mouths. One minute it's "balance the budget and financial accountability and fiscal responsibility" and the next minute it's "Let the greedy business man whores have their way with American taxpayers' wallets."

Republicans Hand Senate Financial Reform Bill Early Defeat: (ABC) Obama 'Deeply Disappointed,' That GOP Blocked Vote to Debate Financial Reform Bill

Senate Republicans blocked a key vote today that would have sent the financial reform bill to the full Senate for debate.

The most extensive new Wall Street regulation since the Great Depression is aimed at preventing another financial crisis, but failed an initial procedural vote, 57-41, three short of the 60 needed to bring the bill to the floor.

Democrats accused Republicans of siding with Wall Street banks.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid compared the vote with deciding "whether party unity is more important than economic security."

President Obama said he was "deeply disappointed' in the vote...

It's good to see the majority of the public have their heads screwed on straight and are demanding financial reform in America...

ABC News Poll: Two-Thirds Back Financial Reform; The Question: How Far to Go (ABC) Trust in Obama to Handle Financial Reform a Possible Caution Flag for GOP in Election Year

Two-thirds of Americans support stricter federal regulation of banks and other financial institutions, and by a double-digit margin the public trusts President Obama more than the Republicans in Congress to handle financial reform, which could be a caution flag for the GOP in an election year.

The public supports reform overall by 65-31 percent, a broad margin that's been steady since midwinter, and trusts Obama more than the Republicans to handle financial reform by 52-35 percent, a 17-point advantage for the president in this new ABC News/Washington Post poll.

Click here for a PDF with charts and questionnaire.

Here's a strange yet compelling story about not sleeping well...

Fatal Insomnia: When Sleeplessness Kills: (ABC) Rare Genetic Disease Prods Scientists to Explore Mysteries of Sleep

Most people can relate to the occasional sleepless night, but for sufferers of a rare form of insomnia, sleeplessness can be fatal.

Silvano, an Italian man who suffered from such a condition, lost the ability to sleep at age 53. Four months after checking into a sleep clinic in Bologna, Italy, in 1984, Silvano went into a coma and died. Through Silvano's case, Italian scientists discovered an extremely rare genetic disease called fatal familial insomnia, or FFI.

FFI sufferers fall into a state in which they are neither fully asleep nor awake. The inability to sleep wreaks havoc on their lives. Sleeplessness deteriorates into exhaustion, dementia and, ultimately, death. There is no cure.

For scientists, why a lack of sleep could kill you is still an unsolved mystery.

"Sleep is the most extraordinary mystery, the most elusive biological function that we have," said Daniel Max, author of "The Family That Couldn't Sleep," who has chronicled Silvano's story and family lineage. "We know very little about how we sleep. But we know even less about why we sleep..."

And here's a negative mindset or maybe a prophetic announcement for our distant future when we may finally encounter aliens for real on planet Earth... Of course, Hawking is basing his assumption guess on the fact aliens think and behave as humans. How likely is that? Either way, Hawking is always good for an interesting read.

Stephen Hawking: Alien Contact Could Be Risky: (ABC) In Discovery Documentary, British Astrophysicist Warns Alien Life Could be Hostile

Alien encounters may seem like sure-fire winners to Hollywood, but one of the world's most famous scientists thinks they may be "too risky" be be worth seeking.

The world-famous astrophysicist theorizes that alien life will not be friendly.

In a new Discovery Channel documentary, which premiered Sunday night, British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said that communicating with aliens could be a threat to Earth.

Hawking said it is likely that alien life exists, but a visit from extraterrestrials might be similar to Christopher Columbus' arrival in the Americas.

"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," he said. "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet."

In the new program, "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking," he speculated that aliens' capabilities "would be only limited by how much power they could harness and control, and that could be far more than we might first imagine."

He said it might even be possible for aliens to harvest the energy from an entire star.

"Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach," Hawking said...

And for a funny... Check out one of the videos

*** Colbert Lampoons Immigration and Pot Smokers - Roundup of Late Nite Comedy 26 Apr 2010

*** Colbert pokes jabs at the state of Arizona for passing controversial bold new immigration bill which basically legalizes the harassment of Latinos. Colbert thinks the new strategy is one to irritate and frustrate the Latino community to the point they will get fed up and leave on their own.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - No Problemo
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

*** For the full post full of laughs to get you through the work week until blissful Friday:

Colbert Lampoons Immigration and Pot Smokers - Roundup of Late Nite Comedy 26 Apr 2010

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