Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Now on Vimeo and Facebook! September Update, Evolution Revelation '87, '89
In the latest segment of Evolution Revelation, we flash back to 1987 and the Velodrome world-record shoot. Most notable this day was maximum TV cheese in which producers insisted that Josh White got the highest air. Brian Blyther clearly went higher. Very high-tech method of measurement I must say.
Blyther finally did get the official record and held it..until Hoffman came along. This event is a great snapshot of uniforms and big dollars. The drastic change in the industry from 87 to 89 is so obvious in this old footage.
Next, witness 1989: AFA Masters in Austin, Texas. This ancient arena in Austin has been the venue for some serious BMX history over the years. Pretty intense competition for a 'dead' sport.In the year of bashguards and the street-riding-craze, flatlanders were still busting out and taking tricks well beyond Cherrypickers and Miami-Hoppers.
Perry Mervar, Ruben Castillo, John Huddleston, Josh Marsele, James Shepherd, Bryan Blyther, Josh White, Steve Broderson, Dave Voelker