Monday, April 25, 2011

33-in-1 Telescoping Golf Club - - You Can be One Club Golf Expert

Golf is one of those leisurely games that one tends to play to relax, more than anything. Granted, I’ve only been a few times (putt-putt is my game) so maybe I haven’t found the competitive side to the game. One thing I do know is that you need a variety of clubs if you want to make the right shot. These clubs cost money, and are a pain to lug around. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just carry one around that could be changed to suit your needs? Apparently you can.

The 33-in-1 Telescoping Golf Club can be adjusted in ½-loft increments to simulate a wide variety of other clubs, and collapses down to only 19-inches long for storage. This breaks down to 5 putters, 2 drivers, 3 fairway woods, 14 irons and 9 wedges. Now as I said earlier, I’m no golf expert, but I’m guessing this one won’t hit quite the same as all of those other clubs. However, if you really don’t want to carry around a heavy golf bag, and like playing for fun, this might be the tool for you. The biggest setback is going to be the $200 price tag.