Maybe Mormons on the campaign trail aren't as pious as they'd have everyone believe. Romney also appeared somewhat arrogant and a tad too pompous for my tastes. On a personal note, the slick goo in his do reminded me of my father's Brylcreem days. Earth to Mitt. A little dab'll do ya. Not a whole handful.
When the debate eventually reached the inevitable, “WWJD” question, I had to groan. Love how the Republicans had no problem discussing their personal religious beliefs, almost like they fully anticipated such a question. Wonder why inquiries like this never get posed to Democrats? Could it be because they have no place in presidential debates?
Separation of church and state is a fundamental pillar of this nation’s foundation, yet Republicans, especially conservative Republicans, love to interject religious beliefs into political forums. Huckabee’s answer, along the lines of "I think Jesus was too smart to become involved in politics," not only rallied the base, but also gave Huckabee the push he needs in the polls. How ironic that by downplaying the political savvy of one of the biggest rabble rousers in human history, Huckabee miraculously launched himself into the enviable number two spot, albeit, with the number one spot still up for grabs.
Republicans should step back and stop the applause. The Reverend Mike sends the wrong message to non-Christian and atheist Democrats. Shades of Ann Coulter, perhaps? Not scary enough to change my mind about Hillary, but certainly not a formidable enough challenger against other Democratic contenders. In fact, if Huckabee dropped the religious rhetoric, he could easily be a top-tier Democratic candidate.
Huckabee talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. The airwaves, press, and blogosphere are brimming with reports of Huckabee's implicit support of illegal immigration as well as questionable fiscal policy. No wonder this blogger took an immediate shine to Huckabee's record.
Huckabee is emerging as the Hillary of Republicans. From what I understand, he has captivated the hearts and loyalty of many Iowan Republicans. But just like the Hillary Democrats, these voters cannot articulate why.