If you can name this object, I'll send you the DA 35mm f/2.8 Macro lens that I used to photograph it. In order to enter this contest, you must submit a comment to this post and include the complete information I have listed below:
1. The name of this object
2. The name of the manufacturer
3. The date of manufacture, within a 10 year period, ie: 1940-1950
Submissions: I will not accept any emails. The winning submission will be based on the actual date and time that you posted your answer to my blog. I will delete any comments that do not contain the three descriptions listed above. Also, please do not post questions, comments or anything other then your answers. You are only allowed one post, so do your research first.
Restrictions: Members of my family, employees of Pentax and our ad agency are not allowed to participate. The person submitting the correct information must be a current Pentax DSLR user, and will have to send me a self portrait of he or she holding their Pentax camera. I will accept submissions from any Pentaxian worldwide. Although true Pentaxians spend their time out in the real world photographing, I will accept submissions from measurebators, provided they agree (should they win my lens) never to take pictures of a wall to test the lens.
Contest Length: The contest will run through the end of June. I have the right to cancel this contest at any time.
Hints: The only guidance I will provide is this object was made in America, and it is not a photographic instrument (smile).
I hope the Pentaxian community enjoys this contest and good luck!