Our first stop was the Charm City skate part in Baltimore. This Park has a bunch of fairly small ramps and obstacles but the guys still had a good session. Josh and Rob played on the drive way section and Dan enjoyed riding the park he used to ride all the time being from the Baltimore area. Allan got some nice clips showing his brake-less / free coaster style and Marcus blasted super high on the wall-ride out of the bowl. The turn out was massive, there wasn't much deck space and if you wanted to drop in you had to be hungry or you would be sitting on the deck all day!

Our next stop was the Groove Merchants BMX shop in Martinsburg,West Virginia. We were welcomed by a bunch of local riders and if you get a chance to go to the store you should, its a proper BMX shop, they have all the latest Haro and Premium bikes as well as anything else you desire, its well stocked!
After some hot dogs, we headed to a nearby car park for a bunny hop contest and we were impressed with the locals, they can hop! The top 3 locals won prizes from Haro and Premium and Dan Foley put on a pro demo and took the highest mark with 43 inches.
It was cool to hang out with everyone and check back soon for a web video from the weekend.. Thanks a lot to the Charm City park and especially everyone at Groove Merchants for welcoming us and hooking us up Dinner.