It was a gray and gloomy day. There was wind. There was rain. It was damp and chilly. "Bleh. Is this what I have to look forward to?," was the thought in my mind as I arrived home. Five more months of weather forecasts that predict, "rain at times, chance of showers, rain and then showers, rain with sun breaks." Sun breaks? Might as well check the mail, I thought, a bunch of junk mail will make the day complete. But in addition to the junk mail, sitting on the landing was a box addressed to me from Lindsay from Cooking for a Vegan Lover. My mystery box had arrived, and suddenly the day seemed a lot better. (Not sunnier or drier, mind you, but better.) Lindsay had held a giveaway contest a few weeks ago and I was the lucky winner. I love surprises almost as much as I love sunshine.
Here's what was in the box: There was a one pound bag of crunchy veggie chips, and
a piney bar of shea butter soap that smelled just like the North Woods (of Wisconsin, even though it was made in N.Y.).
There was a bottle of vegan Worcestershire sauce.

There was a spicy jar of peanut butter with several kinds of hot peppers.

The box also contained two gnu bars, rosemary and sea salt flatbread, parma, hummus, Heart Thrive energy bars and green tea. Thank you so much Lindsay for all these special vegan treats.
Lindsay is doing a care-package swap. Click here for more information on how to participate.