Saturday, January 8, 2011

Crazy American Political Humor - 8 Jan 2011

House Republicans gleefully take over the American government yet bluff their way through the job and mess up. Democrats gloat and snicker.

From Denny: What a crazy week in politics. The Republicans took over the House and it didn't take long for the cartoonists and reporters to incessantly talk about new Speaker John Boehner's need to weep at the drop of a hat. There is something weird about this guy's constant weeping. Usually, that's a sign of someone who feels convicted that what they are doing is wrong and feel guilty.

Boehner is a guy who grew up in a family of 12 children and should understand the needs of out of work families in this economy. Yet he cares not a whit. He has consistently voted against every unemployment benefit extension, health care reform and other bills to help people in this down economy. Boehner is also known to frequent his Big Business pals' resorts, retreats, golf courses - he plays golf six months out of the year which is why he is known for his orange tan and dubbed The Tan Man.  He travels unashamedly on lobbyists' planes on a  regular basis.

And the new guy, Rep. Issa, who is taking over to head up the House Oversight Committee just contacted 150 lobbyists to ask them "what regulations they want repealed and he will be glad to do it." And this is the guy who is calling President Obama corrupt? Seems like he needs to look no farther than his own mirror to find political corruption.

Obviously, this new 112th Congress is going to be full of political theater. Too bad it will be entertaining at the expense of the voters. Yet "I predict" that this will be the Year of The Outrage. The middle class voters will be standing up to protest constantly until the politicians start governing correctly -  instead of making this a business of politics and personal wealth accumulation while in office.

Republican takeover thoughts:

Bill Day

Steve Benson

Signe Wilkinson

Steve Benson

Paul Szep

Chan Lowe

Chris Britt

Paul Szep

Robert Ariail

Gary Varvel

Jerry Holbert

Jerry Holbert

Politics as usual:

John Sherffius

Gary Markstein

Steve Kelley

Steve Kelley

Nick Anderson

Bruce Beattie

Steve Sack

Chris Britt

The Big Mystery: dead black birds falling out of the sky around the world

Steve Kelley

Steve Sack

Various Obama cartoons - there are a lot of Big Business dreading regulation from this White House.  So far we haven't seen anything even resembling real regulation and enforcement of current laws to deal with the greed on Wall Street.  What are they whining about?

Robert Ariail

Lisa Benson

Gary Varvel

Gary Varvel

Bruce Beattie

Signe Wilkinson

Henry Payne

Gary Markstein


Lisa Benson

Chip Bok

Chan Lowe

Chan Lowe

Paul Szep

Bruce Beattie

Chip Bok

Social media and Wall Street as Facebook goes for the public offering of stock - but only to the top clients of $10 million accounts or more with Goldman Sachs. And we taxpayers bailed these arrogant morons out of bankruptcy? Get this too: to get out of having to deal with public scrutiny Goldman Sachs is combining all the investors into "one person" so Facebook does not have to reveal their finances publicly.  Talk about sneaky.

Nick Anderson

How the Navy and the rest of the military needs to grow up. These guys are in charge of nuclear weapons that can vaporize the planet:

Steve Benson

Chris Britt

Classic literature banned from American libraries because of offensive words and past history no one wants to remember.  How can we learn from past mistakes if we do not remember the wrongs, teaching the next generation how to do better?

Jeff Stahler

Steve Sack

John Sherffius

And my very own alma mater LSU Tiger played their Friday night bowl game in Texas at a new spectacular stadium and won handily!  GEAUX TIGERS! :)

Jeff Stahler

Most Funny New Years Resolution:

Jeff Stahler

*** Check out these posts:

Clueless New House GOP Act Like Bozos On First Day

Crazy American Political Humor - 1 Jan 2011

Democrat, Rep. Giffords, Shot In Head At Rally By Crazed Gunman Attack: 6 Dead - breaking news today.

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