From Denny: General McChrystal is burned toast politically and career wise. What kind of military fool has his own public relations team and then allows a reporter to follow him around non-stop for two months? That reporter was privy to sensitive information as well as the day to day operations, opinions and sound-offs from the general's staff. In a word: McChrystal was not wise.
Which might explain some of the idiot field decisions he has made of late. But then the guy is known as an alcoholic. Recently, he ordered a small group of men into a geographic area that could only be described as a killing zone. They were ordered to build an outpost on a valley with high mountains, known to contain hundreds of shooting Taliban. It's like saying, hey! Now go build your nice new house while under sniper fire by a team of 200 enemy. This was McChrystal's decision and it cost nine of our soldiers their lives. It was a stupid thoughtless decision and completely unnecessary.
Never place alcoholics in charge of any decisions because they will always be unwise. Bush and Cheney were both alcoholics. Who could forget the so-called pretzel-choking incident of Bush when he fell off the couch drunk and slammed his face? Our military and political sphere is awash in alcoholics unable to make sound decisions.
Meanwhile, the Democrats keep getting lousy political advise from the senior advisors at the White House. In a word, Mr. President, your political advisors make you look the fool to the American people. You only have a measly four months to turn your presidency around or its toast come November elections. The middle class is slammed so hard up against the wall that we are pancaked.
Your advisors keep telling you to wait until your second term to make the important changes. Your advisors live in fear that Big Business will not fund their political efforts. Let me share a thought with you. There will be no second term at the rate you are not moving. Your so-called changes move at the rate of the equivalent of snail mail.
If you don't get up off the couch, quit listening to Axelrod and crowd who advance this lukewarm agenda of The Minimum Acceptable, your presidency will get neutered by a Republican Congress in November. It doesn't look good right now, Mr. President. Follow your own gut instincts and quit relying upon those of political advisors who are advancing their own agendas and don't care about anyone outside of themselves. Quit allowing them to mollify you. Quit allowing them to sideline you from doing what you know is right and needs immediate attention: the American people.
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