From Denny: BP's CEO Tony Hayward just can't get it right. He is the man of the hour for the most gaffes ever by a CEO. He makes gaffe prone politicians look articulate. Just this weekend he went back to Britain after making a mockery of the American Congressional hearing. Hayward was seen yacht racing while doing the minimum acceptable to clean up the gargantuan oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that is now gushing at the rate of 4 million gallons a day.
He plans to try again to re-cut the riser pipe for a cleaner cut. The last time BP cut the riser pipe the volume of oil gushing out doubled in volume. Do we really need BP to continue to monkey with this oil well? All these measures are supposed to be temporary solutions anyway until the relief wells are drilled.
The sad thing is that relief wells may no longer be a solution with the way BP has continued to screw with the well head, each time making matters worse. The well is about shot to pieces and we are about to have the ocean floor erupt into one wide space of oil gushing non-stop. Why does the President allow this bumbling idiot to make any suggestions, decisions or act on this well any more? It's insanity.
*** See Also: Dark Humor: BP Oil Spill Cartoons - 19 June 2010
*** See Also: BP Oil Slicked Animals: Outrage Cartoons - 19 June 2010
*** See Also: Oops and Hunh?! Cartoons 19 June 2010
*** BP Flag Photo by FellowCreative @ flickr
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