From Denny: How do you spell cruelty in America? REPUBLICANS. These guys are shameless in their finger puppet status for Big Business. They killed the unemployment extension for America's millions of unemployed. Why? Because business has to pay for a portion of their salaries while they are out of work. You know, those guys in Big Business who thought they could cavalierly shed jobs, meaning real people, in order to save money. Now they don't want to be responsible for all those millions of people they put in the street.
Those people are desperate, many still out of work for two years. They have exhausted all their life savings and cashed in their retirement plans, sold every stick of furniture they own to stay afloat and put food on the table for their children. Now this? The Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for such a callous act, especially going into the Fourth of July holiday season.
And where is the President on this? His lame political advisors are whining how they guess they will have to rely upon public outrage to do their jobs for them. Mr. President, fire these lame advisors. Move the political arm out of the White House all together. These guys are destroying the middle class with their cavalier attitude as badly as the Republicans are doing.
Mr. President, the time for action on your part is now. Use your presidential power and start issuing presidential orders to right this American ship. You are allowing the middle class wealth to evaporate while kowtowing to Big Business for political donations. Start using the backbone you rediscovered when you fired General McChrystal. Use your power as President to immediately change things for the betterment of the middle class.
To date, absolutely none of your recent legislations have helped the middle class on any level. Some, like the so-called credit card reforms actually created greater hardships when you signaled to the Big Banks they could rape and pillage the middle class during that 18 month waiting period before the law would take effect.
This country has become an unbearable place to live and work thanks to the greed of Big Business. When are you going to step up and get serious about changing the ways things work in Washington? Better yet, when are you going to step up and decide to be on the side of middle class America and do right by us? We can't wait forever.
Republicans Kill Senate Jobless Aid Bill
High Court Sides With Ex-Enron CEO Skilling - The U.S Supreme Court has severely restricted the ability of federal prosecutors to bring corruption cases against public officials and corporate executives. The court unanimously imposed stark limits on the so-called honest services law that for decades has been a key tool in prosecuting corruption cases.
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