In school athletics there have always been boys sports and girls sports, and athlets should stay playing within their sexes. Could you imagine allowing, for instance, Koby Bryant to play on Lower Merion's girls basketball team when he was a student at the school? Simply stated, Lower Merion would be unbeatable. Also, Bryant would be taking a roster spot from some girl who would have made the team were it not for his becoming a ridiculous interloper.
A similar bastardization of 'Title IX' played out this past Saturday in Whitehall, Pennsylvania as Wyoming Seminary defeated Merion Mercy in the PIAA Class AA field hockey championship by a 3-2 score. A junior at WS, JaJa Kentwell, scored two goals to provide the margin of victory. Kentwell had missed WS' semi-final victory while away in Germany, playing for the U.S. indoor team, but made sure to come back for this state title match.
Kentwell was playing for the U.S. Men's indoor team, that is. Kentwell is a boy playing with the Wyoming Seminary girls team.
After WS won the game, Kentwell, the only boy on the field, was asked how he felt. "It's hard to describe", he said. Let me describe it for you then, JaJa. You just beat a girls team. Congratulations, pal. Hope that you're proud, big guy.
This is not meant to be a knock against women athletes in any way, especially Merion Mercy's team in particular. The fact is, Merion Mercy was the best girl's field hockey team on the field. Unfortunately, the other team was co-ed and used not only a boy, but a world-class boy who plays for his country. WS should be ashamed, but they probably aren't. There is, of course, a rule that allows for such things. That rule is a joke.
Merion Mercy should be congratulated for putting up such a good fight and making the final result close. Their girls outscored the WS girls by 2-1. But WS ultimately won the championship, thanks to their world-class boy player. Congratulations, Wyoming Seminary. Don't forget to thank the boy who just won your 'girls' (sic) championship.