Chris and I are on our way to Taiwan right now, via this long lay over in Tokyo. Unfortunately this trip isn't a riding trip, but only because Chris was scared to bring a bike. Taiwan is a wild place where drivers show little caution and most everyone rides a moped scooter. That said, Chris doesn't wanna get hit by a car/scooter. I will do some photo updates this week so check back for the wild Taiwan adventure. We just finished an 11 hour flight from LAX to Tokyo, and now we wait a couple hours to catch another 4 hour flight to Taipei, Taiwan. If we make it there in time we can catch a 30 minute high speed train ride to Taichung. If we arrive late, then we will get stuck riding a bus for 2.5 hours. If I end up on the bus I'm going to lose it. The photo today is Chris, the BMX Product Manager, doing TonyD's job. He's definately putting his face where dirty shoes and feet usually hang out. Don't try this at home, or on an airport floor..