

I was lucky enough to spent the last 5 days in beautiful So Cal. It was beautiful because I left Greenville in freezing temperatures and on arrival to San Diego it was in the 80's... Im moving soon I promice...
I got to visit Haro and sit in on a meeting about bike color's, Do some shopping at Vans and I was treated to a rock star life in Hollywood at the RockStar Energy Drink office. I did an interview that should be on the site soon (rockstar69.com) and then Heath Pinter and I went around the back streets of Sunset BLVD with a photographer and had pics taken. I got to stay on the Enarson's couch, Justin Kosman's (Photographer) Couch, and Jerry Badders (Vans TM) Couch, and I finished my trip in a pretty nuts Hotel for one night in Downtown San Diego for the Nike Premier (thanks Pete!)
I was stoked to attend the Nike jam at Dennis Enarson's and it was really fun. Big turnout, big tricks, no deckspace, Catfish on the mic getting crazy, Dennis blasting soo high and also flip-whipping the spine, and even kids eating dirt.
I nearly died on one air that spooked me enough to make me stop riding the Mini section! I just yanked as high as I could and boned out coming in way to nosed. I got away without a fall.
Then I went over to the box jump and looped out a 7 and winded myself real bad enough to call it a day.
The premier was great, Im sure you've all scene the vid by now so I dont have to go on, but Im going to close with how good Dennis and Garret are. At 17/18yrs old it is just amazing the level these two are. Dennis scared me on the last T-Whip even though I knew he pulled it! Your crazy kid.
Thanks The Enarson's, Justin Kosman, Haro, Vans and RockStar for the hook ups on a nice fall get away trip. Hopefully its not much longer till Im out there permanent.