Friday, December 10, 2010

'i-dration': A Concept Fitness Water Bottle Tells You That You're Thirsty - - To Be Launched by Cambridge Consultants in CES 2011

We as a trendy blog have always stressed the need for maintain great skin and hair quality in order to look good in those Burberry tops and Prada jackets. Thus, we have been reminding you dear readers that doing everything possible and not drinking enough water tantamounts to, well, sagging skin and wrinkly foreheads. However, most of us are just too lazy to slurp down at least 3 litres of water every day.

Cambridge Consultants will launch the i-dration, which is a concept fitness water bottle that helps you to “know” when you are thirsty. It is packed with sensors that communicate with an app on your phone. The bottle measures the temperatu5re in your room, the amount of fluid you have drunk and how often you did so and also use the phone’s accelerometer to check how much you worked out and if your body is running short of water and that you are dehydrated.

If you are thirsty, it shows a blue light and you would need to gulp down loads of water in order to put you back to a hydrated level. It is a round-about way of learning that you are thirsty. I mean, why can’t one just “know” that one is thirsty when they get the pangs of thirst? It shall be announced at the CES 2011.