"Hey guys. Just wanted to share with you what I was up to this past Saturday. I went to a charity event for Turning Wheels For Kids. It's a pretty sweet charity and, to be totally honest, I had no idea it even existed until last week. They basically raise money, use 100% of the money to buy bikes, and then give them away to underprivileged kids for Christmas. That's pretty awesome in itself, but the fact that they were giving away 2,400 bikes this year is what amazed me.
That's a lot of bikes... crazy, but awesome!
A friend of mine named Matt Mardesich (ROG Inc.) emailed me asking if I wanted to be be part of the event. I said yes, and Saturday morning showed up to quite a large production. There were hundreds of volunteers building bikes!! I have never seen so many brand new bikes in my life! Pretty amazing.
No BMXers in this moto... they saved us for the last heat."
"Here's a photo of "Sharkie", the mascot for the San Jose Sharks, holding my bike. Shark fans bleed teal around here, so my bike was properly colored."
Ryan Nyquist