Thursday, December 9, 2010

South Park, Transvestite Donkey Witch, Emma Sugiyama, and Why People in Glass Houses . . .

The creators of South Park have been up to their old antics this season again: making fun of everyone and everything that another person would hold in high esteem. While sometimes their antics are a hit or even mildly amusing, sometimes they border on downright cruelty. I think that such was the case with their episode about Sarah Jessica Parker.

Sarah Jessica Parker

To summarize, South Park recently ran an episode where they called her a "Transvestite Donkey Witch" and even made fun of her husband, Matthew Broderick's attempts to defend her in a parody. Now, while I don't think Parker is attractive by any means (quite the opposite), I do question South Park's mocking Broderick for what would probably be his very natural reaction to the situation. For those of you who are curious, here is the original South Park clip.

Obviously, age has not been good to Parker, as evidenced by this recent photo of her:

Yikes! However, when she was much younger, she was at least passable looking, as in this photo:

Better (though still not good).

Emma Sugiyama

For those of you who don't know, one of the creators of South Park is also married to a woman named Emma Sugiyama. When I found this out, I was curious to Google her and compare her with the famed Parker. I know that him and Matt Stone are fine with making fun of the looks of others, but I wonder how he would react to the tables being turned. Obviously, he might be a little more thin skinned. Here are some pictures I found of her.

Not bad, but definitely not the next Gisele Bundchen.

Still, I have to wonder what she's going to look like in 10 or 20 years. Will there ever come a time when she's not that great to look at and the next South Park  makes her the next transvestite donkey witch? I guess only time will tell.

For those of you patient enough to read this whole article, here are some pics of Gisele:

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